An empowering, trauma-trained, and integrative approach to Somatic Sex, Power, and Embodiment Coaching


Because soulful, connected, bliss-inducing pleasure, orgasms, and intimacy are your birthright.


Does this sound familiar…


You make your way into bed with your partner.

Going through the typical motions like clockwork.

You’re not a full yes to sex right now but also don’t feel like a full no.

The guilt of wanting to be a “good partner” overrides your body’s closure.

“I don’t want them to be mad at me or to hurt their feelings.”

The performance begins.

A forced, theatrical moan.

An expected grind here, a predictable thrust there.

Your busy mind prevents you from dropping into your body.

“Have we even kissed today? Do I look gross? Does my vagina smell weird? Did I leave the stove on? THIS POSITION IS NOT DOING IT FOR ME. Why is it so hard for me to orgasm? Did I respond to that email? Is it bad to start fantasizing right now?”

The whole ordeal is over in 4 minutes – you feel partially resentful, partially relieved.

As you lay there naked, you feel a mix of emotions come up.

Sadness, grief, anger, frustration, disappointment.

Accompanied by self-criticizing thoughts.

Your throat gets dry as tears well in your eyes.

“Woahhh way too vulnerable. What’s even wrong right now? They can’t see me cry. Now is not the time.”

You go into numbness, dissociating from the weight of your emotions…

While feeling confused as to why your body feels “used” and shut down even though you “technically” consented to sex.

And the pattern continues.

My love,

Your past no longer has to dictate your present.

Let me say that again… because it’s been my exact journey.

Your sexual history and all that's happened to you no longer have to determine your relationship with your sexuality going forward.


There is nothing wrong with you, you are not broken or inadequate, and your true, unique expression of YOUR sexuality is something that can’t be lost (+ it’s constantly evolving!).

“Working with Nadine was the exact medicine that my inner feminine needed to feel safe to express herself.
I experienced deeper levels of healing than ever before. Nadine is a gifted guide and healer and very seamlessly leads you through a powerful experience of deep release, self-connection and most importantly she guides you to access your true authentic self.
I now feel the goddess that was previously hidden inside of me coming out into full bloom. If you’re looking to awaken your inner goddess, feminine, or sensual being and you’re thinking about doing this program, trust that it’s for a reason. Trust yourself and dive in!“

– Keisha


It is your birthright to experience wholeness, celebration, freedom, confidence, and safety WITHIN your own body and erotic nature.


Not because some random lady on the internet told you so.

But because your magical ass human body is quite literally DESIGNED for outrageous & otherworldly pleasure, intimacy, and connection.

And it all begins with inner safety.

In order to experience the electrifying, earth-shattering orgasms and sexual experiences of your dreams... where you feel truly seen, cherished, and met, you must first:

  • Feel safe in your own body
  • Trust yourself to surrender and let go of control
  • Rewrite the sexual narrative that’s been passed on to you
  • Allow yourself to be truly seen
  • Feel liberated in your wild, primal, authentic expression
  • Make peace with your inner child
  • Hold and love yourself through heavy emotions
  • Feel worthy of love, pleasure, and receiving
  • Let yourself feel

This is where the real work begins.

Then, with the help of some trusted tools, sexual bliss and erotic aliveness become natural byproducts.

Along with your confidence, receptivity, security in your sense of Self, and relationship with your own power.

My 1:1 work with clients is the most tailored, personalized, and high-touch container I offer.


It is designed for those who are ready (or willing) to meet the parts of themselves that they may have held shame, guilt, or fear around for a lifetime, as we alchemize these “blocks” and shadows into fuel for your own empowerment.

This experience is designed to crack open your heart, pussy, voice, pleasure, and belief in what’s possible for your life and relationships.

To step into a private coaching container together is to enter a portal of reclamation, healing, self-awareness, and expansion.

Prepare to be seen for all of who you are, and loved even more deeply because of it.


I’ve been told by multiple clients that their experience in my containers is comparable to a psychedelic journey.

My approach honors the intuitive, ancient, emergent wisdom of your own body while recognizing that you do not need to be healed, saved, cured, “fixed,” or transformed by anyone else.

All that you could ever need or learn is already within you.

My job is to walk by your side, shining a light as we unravel all that’s been keeping you from your desires, pleasure, truth, sexual fire, and most authentic expression.

“This has been such an incredible, life-changing journey! I was going through a phase of not feeling my spark or being very connected to my body. I can say that my spark is back tenfold!
I feel more grounded, sure of myself, worthy, and like I can conquer the world! Words cannot describe how powerful this was. I am shining my light more and more each day and uncovering and sharing my truth with the world – something that was scary and intimidating before.
I have been searching for a feeling of self-fulfillment and I am finally cultivating a true relationship with self which will impact the rest of my life.“

– Brooke


“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”

– Rumi

My client work merges my depth of experience in Tantric Sex, Love, & Relationship VITA™ Coaching, Sexological Bodywork and Somatic Sex Education, inner child & shadow work, somatic practice & exploration, Akashic Records, breathwork, subconscious reprogramming, meditation, and deep spiritual practice.

With an embodied understanding of both the somatic & energetic realms, I view you and your sexuality holistically.

Sessions are guided both intuitively and by the various science-backed methods & techniques passed on to me by my different teachers, training, and lineages.

We kick off the container by getting crystal clear on exactly what you most desire, before then chipping away at all that may be holding you back.

Please note that there is absolutely no nudity or exchange of sexual energy in our coaching sessions.


We may work with tools such as:

VITA™ Method coaching (Vital and Integrated Tantric Approach), Sexological Bodywork, somatic therapeutic practices, subconscious integration (parts work, inner child work, & shadow work), emotional processing, breathwork, dearmouring, self-pleasure, visualization, embodiment practice, belief/identity/mindset work


*Although most of my work has been with women, I work with people of ALL gender expressions and sexual identities. I've been trained to hold space for LGBTQ+ folks and am continuously learning how to embody a safer, more loving and welcoming space for the various intersectionalities that we each exist within. 🌈
No matter your preferences, anatomy, orientation, or identity, I believe in every cell of my being that your true essence is innately deserving of utter fucking celebration.

Just for a moment, imagine...


Your sex and self-pleasure are multi-orgasmic, ecstatic, ritualistic, and worthy of an award

It feels natural for you to shine your light and CHERISH the skin you’re in

You easily drop out of your head and into your body

You fully understand your 'Core Erotic Theme,' sexual patterns, and biggest turn-ons

You confidently trust yourself to tap into your primal, wild nature

You regularly discover new ways to experience pleasure & orgasm in your own body

Intimacy feels like a juicy combination of playful, liberatory, sacred, blissful, exciting, deep, healing, and like home

You unapologetically claim your desires and clearly express your boundaries & needs

 You mostly wake up feeling inspired, creative, and turned the fuck on

Your sexuality feels like a delicious and soulful extension of your truth, instead of just something to exchange for love, attention, or validation

“Working one-on-one with Nadine was such a powerful healing experience. She made me feel so seen, understood, and appreciated.
All of me was fully embraced and I can’t express how healing that is. Nadine is pure magic. I can’t recommend her enough. Even after one session, I already feel such a big shift in my life.
I feel safer, more grounded and trusting in my body, as well as more connected to my sexuality. I can’t wait to work with her again!!”

– Dorrie


⍸ Single Session ⍡

70-minute private session

A tailored, trauma-informed somatic-based coaching session to come home to your erotic essence, gain clarity on your core desires and next steps, reconnect with your power, explore your subconscious world, integrate blockages, receive personalized guidance, and/or more boldly step into your expanded, liberated self.

An invitation to be with exactly what's within you, and to be skillfully and compassionately guided to receive the wisdom, lessons, gifts, and insight from what your body is communicating with you around a specific area of your life.

Click the gold button below for pricing.


⍸ Sensuous Soul: The 1:1 Deep-Dive Mentorship ⍡

A tailored somatic-sexual-spiritual immersion to come home to your innate erotic nature, wild pleasure, and sexual sovereignty


  • Trauma-informed, somatic-based 1:1 support to come ALIVE in your power, pleasure, sexuality, and voice as the wild, sensuous soul you are
  • Private somatic coaching sessions via Zoom (2 or 3 sessions per month)
  • Free initial connection call
  • Personalized Welcome Guide
  • Session recordings (optional)
  • Optional add-on of text/voice message support
  • Lifetime access to:
    • Hand-selected pre-recorded practices, meditations, resources, and homeplay that are customized for YOUR unique needs to further integrate the sessions into your everyday life
  • Pricing is listed on the application.

Open enrollment - apply now for the Sensuous Soul Mentorship!

After applying, you'll receive a response via email within 3 - 6 business days.

Currently accepting new clients for October/November 2024

Don't quite see something that fits your unique needs?

Click here to start a zero-pressure conversation about customizing your own coaching experience.

There is a reality that exists where your uninhibited erotic expression feels as natural as breathing.

Where your sexuality feels utterly whole. True. Divine. Home.